Name The Movies
See if you can guess the film for each of these movie quotes.
Quote 1:
" . . . but Michael's never told a lie in his life."
"Aye, well, he's making up for it now, so . . . ?"
Quote 2:
"John (surname omitted). Filthy rich, of course."
"I don't know . . . he looks quite clean to me . . ."
Quote 3:
"Are you in?"
"Are you there?!"
"You're out, okay . . . I'll call again . . . "
Quote 1:
" . . . but Michael's never told a lie in his life."
"Aye, well, he's making up for it now, so . . . ?"
Quote 2:
"John (surname omitted). Filthy rich, of course."
"I don't know . . . he looks quite clean to me . . ."
Quote 3:
"Are you in?"
"Are you there?!"
"You're out, okay . . . I'll call again . . . "
i'm really bad at this game...
I know two of them, but I'm not allowed to play. Waaa!
i know the first one, i just can't quite place it...
Well I'd say it looks like we have been collectively stumped. :) I've no idea. But I shall counter your movie quotes with one of my own:
"Ms/Mrs. Smith: Money. I hate, loathe, despise and abominate money!
Mr. Smith: You also spend it."
they all sound sooo familiar. i just don't know any of them. i could totally cheat, and i might, i just won't tell everyone else.
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