Two Hours Of Your Life You Really Want Back
Okay. Now that we've discussed some of my - and your - favorite movies, holiday and otherwise, riddle me this; What qualify as some of the WORST movies you've ever seen, and why?
Any list of this type for me simply has to start with Random Hearts. Ouch, talk about a stinker. It's really depressing when two actors you genuinely like combine talents and reach new lows.
Any list of this type for me simply has to start with Random Hearts. Ouch, talk about a stinker. It's really depressing when two actors you genuinely like combine talents and reach new lows.
The Day After Tomorrow - if sharks and alligators had been added to this movie it would have been a lot better. unfortunately they chose wolves. i like wolves, but they didn't quite fit in this movie.
oh man i was sitting here trying to think of some of the ones that i thought "that was just terrible" after viewing, no titles were coming (except for Meet the Fokkers and maybe a couple more like that but i'm excluding those that were bad simply due to excessive vulgarity).... when suddenly i remembered one. The Magic Sword. this is a classic non-classic that i bought thinking to watch it and make fun of it, only to find that it was actually so bad i couldn't even do that. i suffered through it. janina was asleep after the first 10 minutes. I think Tommy lasted a while longer.
but i do have to agree with rebecca - The Day After Tomorrow is definitely way up on my worst list. except that that one was a great one to make fun of - Magic Sword still wins.
Chris' nickname for Random Hearts: Random Script.
Hmmmm . . . do I hate any movies? (Do I like jello?)
Ummm . . . oh yeah, I have to say that I really didn't like the recent movie version of Phantom of the Opera. I'm sorry. The singing was just plain bad. Bad. Unfortunately, the only thing worse than the singing was the acting. Bad.
Also, the very last Alien movie with the alien/human "baby" at the end? Not good. Bad.
i agree with jen..Phantom as the movie~stupid. Phantom at the Pantages Theatre, however, amazing!!
i haven't seen The Day After Tomorrow or any of the Alien movies...alien/human baby?? ick.
I came away from The Day After Tomorrow feeling like I'd just been lecutred about the sins that lead to global warming by a bunch a folks who drive Escalades. Cool FX, though.
Matrix Revulsions, anyone?
i still wanted a gator-shark to eat someone in The Day After Tomorrow.
i completely agree with you dan. that was an incredibly wonderful movie to make fun of. that's the only reason i could stand to watch that movie again, but my brother has to be there to help make fun of it.
this is for jen. in response to her quote from While You Were Sleeping...which by the way is an incredibly incredible movie.
The impression I had regarding the Matrix sequals is that they were so over-budget on their increased need for special effects that they had their janitor write the script. Specifically for the third movement, and I use that word on purpose. Wrote theirselves into a corner, they did, by gum. Their "resolution" to this ultimately convoluted story was woefully unsatisfying and, well, cheesy ("...just let Trinity die already!"). Shame on you, Larry and Andy. And shame on me for buying it anyway!
shame, perhaps, but... it was really really cool at the imax. :-)
When we were in college, Jen and some friends and I walked out of "Pump of the Volume" starring the brilliant thespian, Christian Slater. It was quite disgusting and offensive... not to mention stupid.
Since then... sorry, but I really hated "War of the Worlds". I'm not a huge Tom Cruise fan anyway, but it was jusr a little too much for me. I became much more focused on my crocheting than the movie by the time it was over.
Another bad one -- Constantine. There was so much potential . . . great effects, crappy plot.
i think most of you know this, but i did not like 2001: A Space Odyssey. and i watched it twice, thinking that maybe i missed something the first time.
all i have to say is fetus baby in space.
Escape from L.A. with Kurt Russell. A movie based on a video game. The plot in all the metal gear games are so much better than this film.
Also, I would like to add, "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!?" Which I found while perusing IMDB's Bottom 100 list of movies. Although I've never seen it, it sounds really extraordinarily bad.
Wow, Jeff. I think that may even qualify for the worst NAMED movie ever. I'll keep an eye out for that one. There's gotta be an award for that kind of thing.
I liked War Of The Worlds. Mostly 'cause Cruise doesn't talk much. That and Speilberg has become master of the documentary shooting style. He rocks.
I also liked 2001, although I admit I hardly ever care to recommend it. Funny, that.
Thanks for the input, everyone. I knew I'd lure you all with a chance to gripe. Human nature and what-not, doncha know.
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